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Our AMOGUS Policies

In order to create and maintain a healthy, equal and forward-thinking Australia, the following policies have been created. Our policies aim to combat systemic oppression and inequality, providing equal opportunities to all citizens. We also strive to foster a sustainable country which will thrive into the future, understanding the importance of the environment and its protection, as well as educating the future generations.

Climate Change Action

We strive to improve Australia’s Environmental status, opening new doors to eco-friendly options to keep us safe and reduce damage to our planet. The AMOGUS Party plans to promote more sustainable products and strategies not just to the people, but also large corporations that make a significant impact on the environment, hoping to lessen the amount discarded toxic substances and energy wastage. We understand the importance of maintaining a balance between new technology and our existing environment, and the dire need to protect our planet and country, along will all of its inhabitants. We believe that there is no future without sustainability and environmental protection.

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Women's Rights and Protection

Our party believes that providing equal rights and opportunities for the genders has been long overdue and that sexism and inequality is a systemic issue that demands more attention from the government. We propose to introduce initiatives with women’s right in mind. An example of this would be implementing more of the Respect@Work suggestions, which are a set of in-depth recommendations that strive to prevent and manage sexual, verbal, and other forms of harassment and assault towards women and others, specifically in a workplace environment. Our party strongly believes that in order to cultivate a prosperous society, all citizens deserve equal opportunities and protection.

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Racial Equality and Open Borders

Australia is known for its multicultural, embracing community, to further enhance this aspect of our community, our party believes that we should provide more opportunities for immigrants and asylum seekers. We would offer support such as housing, education, and job training. Not only will we be supporting them financially, we also believe that its incredibly important that our new immigrants feel as part of the community. We understand that it is important to destigmatise immigrant status and ensure all citizens of our country have access to equal opportunities. The AMOGUS party believes no matter where you come from, your race, ethnicity, and identity should all be welcomed and accepted. 
Our party also aims to return land to the First Nations people. We understand the importance of our Indigenous peoples’ heritage, and will strive to maintain a cooperative relationship. We aim to combat systemic oppression to all minority groups, and foster an accepting and equal society.

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Our party believes in an equitable and forward-thinking approach to governing that ensures the livelihoods of all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, ability, gender identity, sexuality, age, or any other factors. 
We believe that quality education for all is fundamental to keeping an equitable and stable society. There are many whose opportunities are restricted by the fees required to access education. We are committed to helping everyone be able to access equal opportunities in life no matter the situation they are in. 
The O value of AMOGUS is heavily imbedded in the AMOGUS Education Policy, as we believe everyone should have access to educations and opportunities, regardless of their identity.  
The AMOGUS Party endeavours to guarantee the health and safety of students and provide safe, comfortable and helpful infrastructure and facilities for those working in the education field or learning. Our party is open-minded towards the suggestions of students and teachers, as they should have a say in what affect them. We strive to cater to the needs of all educators and students in Australia.

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